A Few Furry Faces {May}

I’ve been so busy lately, I haven’t had a lot of free time to sneak down to the shelter, but I managed to go a week ago. With the help of another volunteer, Chuck (thanks so much!), I was able to catch these guys (and gals) at their best…


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One thought on “A Few Furry Faces {May}

  1. Brooke, I tried like the dickens to transfer to my photo files these photos you e-mailed to me a week ago, but didn’t have any luck. Then, while clearing out my files so my computer would speed up, I accidentally deleted that e-mail with all the attachments. So, could you send them again please? … Today at the shelter, I took photos of another seven or eight dogs. A 17-year-old volunteer, Sydni, showed up, so she was my assistant. I like being the photographer and I like being an assistant. I’m glad Sydni was there to help me and I’m glad I was there to help you.


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