
My parents gave us a lovely wooden bench to sit on our back porch. It has a nifty little area that opens up and allows you to put junk and whatnots inside. We generally use it to keep our shoes in, but its most prominent occupant is an array of dog toys… and Thor knows it. So, every day, we let him outside to do his biz, and next thing I know, he’s sitting on the box, barking at us to open it for him and get out a tennis ball or frisbee and play. I’ve never met a dog more obsessed with toys.

Anyway, today he decided to stick his whole upper body in the box and Ryan just so happened to help his back end in the box too. So, there he sat. In his little toybox, staring at me like, “where did all the toys go?”

Pretty boy…


Thor in a Box


My pretty red boy


These photos were taken with my Canon 6D and 50mm f/1.2L lens in mid to late evening light. Adjusted in Lightroom.

Doggy Bath Day

One of the best parts of my weekend is that one of those days, my puppies get their weekly bath. In general, dogs tend to smell unpleasant after a week of running around outside, playing rough, and not getting their bottoms cleaned. Think about it… you would too, if you didn’t bathe but every 7 days.

I decided to document the event in photos. (Ryan said I was mean to just stand there and take pictures.) Personally, I think dog bath pictures are pretty fun.








Bonus 🙂

Buckley B&W

Buckley B&W


Canon 6D and 50mm f/1.2L

A Shag Rug and The Number 2

When I first moved to Savannah, my Dad did me a solid and offered to buy me some furniture so I wouldn’t have to sit indian style on my apartment floor while I ate my shrimp-flavored Ramen noodles. He took me to Rooms to Go and let me pick out a couch, a matching chair, and a set of tables. Because I was such a wonderful kid and made his heart swell with pride for starting pharmacy school, he even let me get a matching shag rug to go with the set. It was the best rug.

That living room set endured a hell of a lot.

One Sunday night, while I was diligently studying for Biochemistry, I left Baron (my miniature American Eskimo) unattended on the floor playing with his toys. He had been to the bathroom and was playing peacefully until bedtime… or so I thought. Suddenly, a horrendous smell crept through my olfactory, past my blood brain barrier. It was so offensive it cauterized my nostril hairs and resulted in a Niagra-esque cascade of tears. In search of the source of the odor, I scanned the room until my eyes fixated on my sweet little puppy. When our gaze met, he immediately interpreted this as an invitation to run batcrap crazy around the room. Before I could form the “N” in “NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!” he blazed past me, running circles, all over the rug, all over the couch, all over me, creating an all-encompassing vortex of sh*t and stink.

What I soon discovered was that Baron had produced the foulest of all poops on the rug (my beautiful rug), then proceeded to run circles through it more efficiently than any NASCAR driver I know… thus distributing it evenly all over the room. My fluffy white dog was now a gradient of doo-doo brown from his tip toes to his ears, and a feeling of helplessness overwhelmed me. I wept.

At this time, I concluded that there were 2 things that had to happen… Clean the dog. Clean the living room. Not in that order. Well, maybe in that order.

I grabbed the dog and threw him in the bathroom and slammed the door (as if he understood). I paced. I grabbed the cleaning supplies and emptied a bottle of Arm and Hammer on the carpet/rug/couch/chair. I called my Mom.

I’m sure she thought I was dying.


Mom: “Okay. Baron. Number 2. Test. Gotcha. I’m on my way.”

And just like that, my Mother came to my rescue… all the way to Savannah. Mom of the freaking year.

I managed to wipe away my tears and wrangle Baron into the bathtub. I am pretty sure it was the worst bath of his life (and certain it was the worst bath of MY life). I uncapped the pet shampoo and covered him with the entire bottle. He was not happy, but neither was I. Unmerciful, yes. Cruel, no.

And I didn’t make an A on that Biochemistry test… or even a B that time… but I learned valuable lesson even more important than purine and pyrimidine synthesis…

Tears won’t wash away crap… but 16 ounces of “Perfect Coat: White Pearl”, 2 bottles of “Arm and Hammer Pet Stain and Odor Removal”, a roll of paper towels, and a phone call to Mama can sanitize even the most unfortunate “shituations”.


FYI… My arms aren’t that hairy… (that’s my Dad giving Baron a bath in the sink).
Baron now lives with my parents… NO, not because he made number 2 on my rug. I still love Baron very much. After my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2009 and underwent a radical prostatectomy, he was forced into retirement. You could tell it was really weighing on him. When I visited home, he seemed to thoroughly enjoy the company of my dog, Baron. When I moved home for advanced rotations, my Dad became very attached to him, so when I left home again (this time permanently), I let Baron stay. While it was heartbreaking to give away my sweet little bundle of fluff, I knew it was a sacrifice that would be worth it for my Dad. Those two are inseparable and spend every minute together. I’ve never seen either of them happier… and by the way, my Dad has been completely cancer free for over 4 years now. 🙂

November 1: Thanks

An internet tradition for the month of November up until Thanksgiving is writing something you are thankful for every day. I won’t slam Facebook with the cheesy status updates, but why not try to blog it? Let’s see if I can do this…

The first thing I’m thankful for (and I will add to this list) is my boyfriend of 4 years, Ryan. (Of COURSE he is first!) WHY? Because he puts up with me. Because he left his entire family and all of his friends in his home state of Minnesota to live in my much warmer state of Georgia. Because he is SO smart. Because he helped get me through pharmacy school. Because he is my coworker and we haven’t killed each other yet. Because he helps me with problems at work. Because he helps me with problems at home. Because he is a good listener. Because he is mature. Because he is trustworthy. Because he is reliable and a good provider. Because he loves animals as much as I do, and helps take good care of all of my furry children. Because he does dishes and laundry, and never complains about it. Because he knows when to ask for help. Because he knows not to wake me up from a nap. Because he kisses me on the forehead. Because he calls me “dear.” Because he has good genes. Because he comes from a wonderful family. Because he loves me for who I am and doesn’t try to change me. Because he UNDERSTANDS me. Because he isn’t perfect, but his imperfections are all things I can live with. Because he is the best person I’ve ever met in my life. Because he is Ryan. And because I love him.

Ryan and Buckley at the 2013 Howl-O-Ween Dog Walk
Ryan and Buckley at the 2013 Howl-O-Ween Dog Walk


As many of you know, our youngest, Buckley, is hearing impaired. Buckley was born deaf due to improper breeding practices. But it doesn’t stop him. He knows simple commands already, including “sit”. All you have to do is point down. 🙂

(Taken on iPhone 5)

Did you say, Pupcorn!?

Today, I decided to arm myself with a pocket full of Pupcorn and take the “big guys” out today to catch some pictures before the rain. The clouds were nice and it wasn’t so stinkin’ hot outside. Humid, though. The lens fogged up the second I walked out. Nothing a good wipe and some palm heat won’t fix. Buckley got left inside this time because he was in the middle of napping, and when that occurs you appreciate the serenity and leave him be.



(Thor will do anything for Pupcorn. Ask him if he “wants a nom nom” and you get a nice head tilt, too.)



(This picture was ridiculously hard to take. Duncan is terrified of my camera for some reason. Plus the neighbor’s dog was barking and he was far more interested in what he had to say than Mommy harassing him to smile.)


All pictures taken with Canon 6D in overcast weather with the 24-70mm f/2.8L II

New Spirit 4 Aussie Calendar Submissions

Every year, the rescue we adopted Thor and Duncan from, New Spirit 4 Aussie, publishes a calendar for national fundraising.  Last year, the organization requested adopters to submit photos of our rescued Aussies to go in the calendar for 2013. Photos are submitted along with a donation and then members vote to select a cover photo, plus all the months. All photos submitted are included in the calendar somewhere, so everyone’s dog gets a spot. We were super excited when Thor was selected as “Mr. February” this year’s calendar and have been looking forward to participating again. (Of course I was excited, it is photography and for a great cause!) Also, just in the nick of time I was thrilled to find out that they are accepting rescued Aussies from OTHER organizations too, so that means Mr. Buckley can be included since he was adopted from Carolina Hearts Aussie Rescue (CHAR). The deadline for the upcoming 2014 calendar has finally come, and it took me days to decide which pictures to submit. In true Southern fashion, I don’t get in much of a hurry about anything, and naturally waited until the last minute. Finally, my decision has been made and I wanted to share our submissions and encourage you to donate to a rescue! The calendars come out in time for 2014 and they make great gifts for Aussie dog lovers!


Mr. Duncan



Taken with Canon 6D and 24-70 f/2.8L II lens, indoors using natural light from window


Mr. Thor


Taken with Canon 6D and 50mm f/1.4 lens, outdoors in sunlight


Mr. Buckley


Taken with Canon 6D and 50mm f/1.4 lens, outdoors in sunlight


Now, donate to a rescue, pet your favorite furry creature, and take plenty of pictures of your pets to share with the world! Remember, fostering and adopting save lives!
